Executive Function

Executive functions are necessary to achieve goals, big or small. For example: Let’s say you work up a plan to complete a basic project such as clean out the car, or clear the clutter in an area of your home. To make that plan work for you, you must use these skills.

• You get yourself to activate and start your project.
• You focus on the goal.
• You make every effort to sustain your attention.
• You keep your emotions under control.
• You use your memory to remember what’s important
• You maintain your pace, your action, to achieve that goal.

These are the skills needed to complete one goal and we call the directed, intentional use of those skills Executive Function.

Even if you have a fantastic memory, incredible pacing, and more, if your skills are not working together, it will be difficult to achieve your goal.

Who has trouble with executive function? Just about everyone has a problem with one or more of these skills. Do you question which ones you struggle with? Below is a chart, taken from brownadhdclinic.com that should help you think about which ones challenge you.

After looking over this chart, Fill out the form below if you are interested in knowing more about you and your executive functioning. An ADHD Coach can help those with or without ADHD to manage executive functioning so all your skills work together for a smooth process and a great finish on any project.